Catherine was born in King Williams Town in the Eastern Cape. In 1979 she completed a 3 year Diploma in Ceramics, and later in 2002/3 her BTech Ceramics degree at Wits Tech (now University ofJohannesburg), and has been working as a fulltime professional artist since 1998. After running a successful teaching studio in Johannesburg, Catherine and her photographer husband, Lawance, moved to Underberg, KZN in 2004, where they created The Underberg Studio. This specialist gallery focused on fine art ceramics and photography and represented the work of more than 40 ceramic artists. Since moving to her studio in Hermanus in 2014, Catherine has concentrated on developing her own ceramics, and more recently painting.
Catherine has regularly exhibited at the Regional and National exhibitions held by Ceramics SA since 1999, and has taught and held workshops throughout South Africa and Namibia via the organization. She has participated a number of times in Hermanus Fynarts as an artist as well as a workshop presenter.
Although not teaching at the moment, Catherine remains passionate about ceramics. She makes a point of encouraging others in their artistic development and regularly attends art exhibitions where ever she travels.